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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Flop Hero Still Demanding Rs 25 Lakhs

When it comes to star remunerations in the cine circuit, it is more or less similar to the share market.
The price increases with performance and success and reverse happens if films go down.
However, here is one actor who doesn’t seem to realize his limitations but has not reduced his demand.

We are talking about the noted actor Shivaji of ‘Mantra’ ‘Missamma’ fame. Apparently, the actor is talented but then despite his non stop string of flops, he has not compromised on his remuneration. Sources say that Shivaji is still demanding a whopping Rs 25 lakhs as remuneration.

The cine folks state that’s why he is not getting any opportunities except for those itsy bitsy roles or third rate movies. The analysts say that Shivaji has the right kind of looks and a tremendous acting potential but it is his attitude and demands that he is spoiling his career with his own hands. 

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