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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Nagarjuna's Shrewd Business @ 50+

Nagarjuna, the dream man of many ladies across the state is 52 now. But he still looks like a 30 year old guy brining envy for millions of men. Although he is capable of entertaining audience with his youthful looks, he does not prefer to act in big way making himself busy round the clock. He is investing his time into business. It is known that he has huge hectares of lands, which he purchased to sell back, in various places. He is now channelizing to sell such lands at right price. That is one side of his business.

The other business is that he is focusing to make MAA TV awards a grand success. He has big stake in that and it fetches huge sum just in one day if properly planned. The sponsors come forward to invest big only by looking at the list of invitees and the popular faces those attend. Hence Nag is trying all the way to bring in entire celebrity folks for the event. That is his other serious business now.

In fact, Nag is taking right moves at right time.

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