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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Chiranjeevi Afraid With Calendar

Ever since the day Chiranjeevi has stepped into politics, he has not taken his eye off the calendar, as per sources close to him. Well, at the start, he was eyeing the calendar trying to set a date for becoming the Chief Minister. However, things changed in no time.

Now, it is heard that Chiranjeevi is getting afraid to look at the calendar as dates are changing. His close political associate has revealed “Chiranjeevi is getting tension for two reasons when he looks at the calendar. One, he is worried about his future if mid term elections arrive.”

The source went on to add “Even if that passes and there is no midterm then there is the 2014 elections and so far, he is still at square zero. Due to this, Chiru is spending sleepless nights unable to figure out where life is heading for him.” Some are suggesting it is time Chiru takes some dynamic decisions like a dynamic hero regarding his political stint. Let us see if he heeds to this or not.

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