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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

RGV insults 'Digital' Film Making

RGV insults 'Digital' Film Making
Though he has inspired millions of people with his unique films and critical comments, this maverick film maker is slowly unwinding what he has done. After making some stupid flicks in the recent days, Ramu is now insulting the latest technology that is rocking the world.

RGV is using the latest digital technology camera to make all his recent flicks. While he made 'Rakta Charitra' with ARRI ALEXA, his next two flicks 'KSD Appalaraju' and 'Dongala Muta' are mostly shot of CANON 5D cameras. The whole world is going gaga over this new technology before doing some miraculous and quality work with this compact camera. However, Ramu is insulting the technology rather than taking it deep inside the audiences with his weird filming styles. A look at his recent work in 'Idi Prema Kada Kadu' makes the world think that Indian makers don't know how to use digital technology. Critics are saying that Ramu is not only insulting 'digtial' film making but he is getting Indian Film Industries insulted!

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