Lara Dutta and Mahesh Bhupathi became proud parents of a baby girl on January 20 this year. Lara's news of delivery comes a little after Aishwarya Rai gave birth to a daughter on November 16. Both Aishwarya and Lara have been compared ever since both became pregnant around the same time. whether Lara Dutta will reveal the pictures of her baby or will she refuse just like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan?
Lara and Aishwarya are two most sought after celebrities, both actresses are as different as chalk and cheese. While Aishwarya did her best to hide her baby bump during her pregnancy, Lara Dutta had no qualms flaunting her stomach.
Mahesh Bhupathi revealed the news of his wife's delivery in the same manner as Abhishek Bachchan. Bhupathi tweeted, "ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @DuttaLara. I Love u...."
Big B and Abhishek Bachchan have refused to reveal Beti B's pictures terming it as 'too personal'. Lara and Mahesh has so far not given any details of whether they will reveal their daughter's photographs to their fans who would love to have a glimpse of their child.
Lara and Aishwarya are two most sought after celebrities, both actresses are as different as chalk and cheese. While Aishwarya did her best to hide her baby bump during her pregnancy, Lara Dutta had no qualms flaunting her stomach.
Mahesh Bhupathi revealed the news of his wife's delivery in the same manner as Abhishek Bachchan. Bhupathi tweeted, "ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @DuttaLara. I Love u...."
Big B and Abhishek Bachchan have refused to reveal Beti B's pictures terming it as 'too personal'. Lara and Mahesh has so far not given any details of whether they will reveal their daughter's photographs to their fans who would love to have a glimpse of their child.
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