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Monday, January 9, 2012

Manchu Vishnu Changed After Marriage

The wise men say that marriage changes man a great deal. For one, he gets occupied in his own world with wife, children, job etc.
Another version is that a man tends to lose focus on his physical shape and grooming. But that is not the case with one person. He is Manchu Vishnu and on the contrary, many say Vishnu has changed for positive after marriage.
They say “After getting married, looks-wise Vishnu has become very classy. Even after liposuction he is maintaining that same level of physique and not adding weight. Earlier he used to look rugged and had a very brash type of personality. But now, he has become charming.”
They add “We think the credit should be given to Viraanica. She seems to have played a major role in grooming Vishnu like that. Life has been nice to him on the personal front so all he needs now is that one breakthrough hit that will stabilize his career as an actor. We have to see if lady luck will shine there as well.”

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