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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Siddarth's Gyan From IPL!!

The Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket tournament is in the final stages and while most of them have had their share of fun, here is someone who seems to have learnt a lesson or two from it. He is none other than Siddarth and all the learning was seen in his twitter.

Apparently, Sidz was there to watch the first play-off between Chennai and Bangalore team. Given his passion for cricket, he was fully involved in the match but gave his online comments. Following are few of his tweets-

“This is the greatest team in the IPL, ever. If anyone else wins, it will be a travesty. Chennai team, I salute you. Whistle podu, period! Epic game!”

“One of the best games of cricket ever. Three finals in four years. The Chennai team is legend. I don’t think any other team could have done it. Not this year!!”

And here comes the best tweet

“Still recovering from last night’s firecracker, so much to learn… Never give up. Know your target and just do the work. In cricket and in life…”

Well, looks like Sidz sure has something to learn from everything…

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