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Friday, April 15, 2011

Serial Killings shock 'Film Nagar'

Serial Killings shock 'Film Nagar'
Dreaded murders and miserable killings are some acceptable content on silver screen, but not in real life. From a couple of months, the whole of Film Nagar is shocked with the 'serial killings' which are making other senior actors to shiver. These cold blooded murders are committed by the 'God of Death' without any mercy.

Rather than shining luck on the films that are releasing in Tollywood, the God has been showing the power of bad luck on the pillars of Telugu Cinema. Starting from January this year, the 'god of death' is making a noted icon to quit from the tinsel world, every month. It started with the shocking demise of director EVV Satyanarayana in Jan, followed by prolific writer Mullapudi Venkataramana in Feb, veteran and versatile actor Nutan Prasad in March and yesteryear heroine Sujatha in April. Before anyone could recover the jolt, villian Ramireddy became a pawn in the hands of cruel God the other day. Film Nagar veterans and industry members who are recovering from ill-health are all on a sleepless nights because of these 'Serial Killings'. Let us pray God to stop these dreaded murders!

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