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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Condolences To Ramgopal Varma

Today is RGV’s birthday. But he equals that to his death day as one more year in his life has got died.
The name Ramgopal Varma or in short RGV sure rings a bell in many minds that follow cinema. However, even the dong of the bell gets twisted due to this man’s mention and the reason for that is his philosophy of life and his attitude towards things. The reason for this gyan is Ramu’s latest comments on the eve of his birthday which is today.

In his twitter account, Ramu came up with this statement – “I just gave condolences 2 myself that I have 1 year lesser in my life to what I want to do me a favour and don't wish me Happy B`day.thnx”.

Well, in view of Ramu’s wish on his special day Great Andhra conveys its deepest condolences to RGV. As it is, the initials of his name has been accredited with new terminology- R- Radical in thought, G- genius in film making, V- Variety in approach.

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