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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nagababu Making People Shiver

The cine folks say that Nagababu has a reputation of being warm and affectionate. Though his personality tends to cause an element of fear, those who interacted with him say he sure is a gentleman and with kind heart. However, the mega brother seems to have gone through a change of sorts which is giving shivers to people.

It is heard that Nagababu’s mercurial temper seems to be the problem. An associate director who recently tasted it said “Nagababu has developed anger on the tip of his nose. Even for a small thing, he snarls like a hungry tiger and I could not do anything but sweat in my pants.”

Sources close to Nagababu reveal “Sir seems to have developed hypertension and BP together. The way he is hitting the roof for trivial things is surprising. But what can we do, given his personality and aggression, it is better not to confront him.” Perhaps it is time for the mega brother to visit the doctor.

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