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Sunday, April 24, 2011

YSR Compared To Satya Sai Baba

Comparisons are a common part of political propaganda but there are times when such things cross the line bringing embarrassment and sometimes threat to the leader of the party. Something like that seems to have happened with Y S Jagan who has just started his political journey independently.

Apparently, a representative from Rajahmundry for the YSR Congress party organized a condolence meeting on the sad departure of Satya Sai Baba. The event was arranged with Baba’s photo and till there, nothing went wrong. However, the whole scene changed when he started speaking and to those who were present felt it was nonsense.

The representative said “In the whole world, only two people did service for mankind selflessly. One is Baba and second is YSR. That inspired the formation of YSR party.” These lines raised many eyebrows. A noted party person said “It is really bad to have such sort of immature person in such a crucial post. Jagan should be careful in selecting his representatives. Satya Sai Baba is god for some, Godman for many. YSR is leader for many. So, it is not right to compare on this platform. This is a disgrace to Jagan.” Wonder if Jagan knows what his party representative spoke…

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