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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Male Makeup Men On Actresses' Private Parts

A hot topic of discussion has begun to make rounds in industry. Usually most of the good makeup artistes are men. They are good at their job. Now, when it is an item song, the entire body has to be smeared with makeup since the actresses wear bare minimum costumes and entire body gets exposed to camera.

However, it is heard that some of the artistes are urging that they want lady makeup artistes to be there. If outsiders come, then the makeup artists association is causing a lot of hungama. Moreover, the quantity of registered lady makeup artistes is very minimal.

If makeup problem is one side, the other hitch is with costume designers. It is heard that they are sitting during change of costume in the room. Usually, some problem or the other keeps coming so they go and ‘adjust’ things. Well, the actresses can’t keep complaining all the time.

But they are lamenting that all males only is causing trouble, especially for item girls. For heroines, a standard is maintained, so when she demands a change is being made. But it is not the same for character artistes and item girls. This is nothing new since all this is happening from past 30 years but people are coming out now with complaints.

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