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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rajni Kanth Reveals Greatness of Japanese

Rajni Kanth, the super star of Asia, has huge fan following in Japan and that is known for all.
After the Tsunami mishap shook Japan followed by a massive earth quake, every body expected that Rajni would go to Japan to show his gratitude for his fans when they are in pains.
Much to the expectation of the people, Rajni is going to Japan and carving out a big plan. Apart from that he pumped in true patriotism among the citizens of rest of the world quoting the example of Japanese.

He said in a public meeting in Chennai, "We've heard of the wonderful quality of the Japanese to bounce back, to fight back, but how many times can they do so? I pray this calamity should not strike the wonderful, hardworking people”.

He also said, “I heard about people who were waiting at a mall to pay their bills. When it shook they ran out. But the same people returned after it was over, stood in line and paid their bills," he said. "And a ticket collector on a train who told the passengers - it may be a calamity but it is my duty to check your tickets."

Rajni Kanth finally revealed that he is planning to visit Japan victims but not yet decided what quality service has to be done there. He added, ‘my visit and extending help for them in the name of god is certain. I don’t want to give life to my ego by saying that I’m going there to help. Only God should use me as an instrument to help them’.

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