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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Family Heroine's Heavy Alcohol Intake

Call it the fad of modern culture or sheer stress to be competitive, it is noticed that many actresses are resorting to alcohol as refuge. The sad part is, even the top league heroines are indulging in such acts which is causing a concern to their producers and also to the regular cine folks.

Well, this girl happens to be famous for her homely roles and while she scored a decent success with her debut film, she scored a hit with her third film. Already, she has paired up with the likes of top league stars. Now the news is, this girl has become a drink addict and it is heard that she has increased her quota of alcohol intake in the recent past.

Those who are close to this girl say she started it as a fun habit but now she is getting into an addiction mode. Others say this girl is unable to handle the pressure of work and various obligations that she is being subjected to. If you are looking for a clue, her name can be abbreviated as RG and she paired up with top young hero DR in her first film directed by reputed director SK.
Source: Greatandhra

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