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Sunday, May 22, 2011

T for Tapsee and also Torture!

T for Tapsee and also Torture!Sizzling Beauty Tapsee is one of the many actresses who don't know the basics of acting but bank upon excessive skin show to survive in the film industry. Tapsee is still an amateurish actress after starring in half a dozen films. She is at her torturous best in her recent release 'Veera'.

Any actress who knows her weakness could overcome it with experience. But Tapsee is very stubborn and feels that she is a very good actress. She constantly laughs over critics comments and claim that audiences love her performance. This indicates that she can never improve her skills and will be just another good-for-nothing actress who will not be remembered after few years from now.

If you didn't have enough of Tapsee's torture till now she is gearing up for more in her next movie 'Mogudu'. Tapsee is doing classical dances in this film which would send a scare down the spines of Tapsee haters. When she couldn't get basic expressions right what would she do in a classical dance which require superb expressions. We leave that to your imagination and pray for Krishna Vamsi to save you.

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